Abigail is a piano teacher living in Ottawa that leads engaging and personalized piano lessons for students of all ages and levels. Based in her home studio in Sandy Hill, Abigail enjoys teaching the proper bases of piano technique as well as music theory and repertoire. She is a member of the Suzuki Piano Association Ottawa- Gatineau, ORMTA Association and has special interest in teaching children from a very young age. She is a certified Suzuki teacher and has prepared students for RCM examinations, festivals, masterclasses, and competitions.
As a pianist, Abigail enjoys solo and collaborative performance. As a chamber musician she has performed at the Chamber Music Ensembles Showcase at the National Arts Centre, Quartetfest at the Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo and has participated in masterclasses with the St. Lawrence string quartet. As a student, she was the pianist for Vocal Repertoire Class and the Wind Ensemble of the University of Ottawa. She has been the Choir accompanist at Emmanuel United Church for the past five years and the Collaborative Pianist for Atlantic Voices choir.
Abigail holds a BMus in Piano Performance from The National Autonomous University of Mexico where she studied with Mauricio Ramos and Edith Ruiz and a MMus in Piano Performance from the University of Ottawa where she studied with Leopoldo Erice and Andrew Tunis. During her studies she was awarded the Mitchell Sharp Commemorative Bursary and the Barbara Newbegin Award in Music from the Canadian Federation of University Women.
Besides music, Abigail holds a BFA and enjoys painting and printmaking in her free time.